Txinparta piztu da gugan!

Ikastaldiari amaiera eman diogu jada. Zenbat urduritasun eta emozio azken egun hauetan!

Oso azkar pasa da, bai, trinkotik asko izan duen ikastaldi hau. Badakizuenez elkarlanean aritu dira 10 hizkuntza gutxituetako 16 ordezkariak: Amazigh (Rif, Maroko), Nawat (Mexiko), Mapunzugun (Wallmapu, Txile),  Yukatango Maia (Mexiko), Aimara (Bolibia), Guarani (Bolibia), Kaqchikel (Guatemala),  K’iche’ (Guatemala), Nasayuwe (Kolonbia) eta Kichwa (Ekuador).

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Azken egunetan nork bere herrialdean aurrera eramango duen hizkuntza biziberritzeko proiektuaren prestakuntzan jardun dute buru-belarri. Eta atzo izan zen, hain zuzen ere, proiektuen aurkezpena.

Koba bateko iluntasunetik gutxi dute lan horiek, kolore guztietako proiektuak baitira sortu dituztenak. Amazigh hizkuntza eta kultura garatzeko, esaterako, idazle eta artisten elkarte bat sortuko duela erabaki du Amazigh hizkuntzako ordezkariak. Aimara (Bolivia) komunitateko kideak, berriz, bere hizkuntza sare sozialetan sustatuko du. Hezkuntza arloan esku hartuko duenik ere badago.

 “Orain inoiz baino argiago daukat nire herriarentzat baliagarri izan nahi dudala” esan zuen proiektua aurkeztu ostean Wallmapu (Txile) komunitateko ordezkarietako batek. Transmisioaren garrantzia azpimarratu du Kchwa hiztunetako batek: “Nire komunitatera iritsi orduko denak batuko ditut, nik hemen ikasitakoa haiekin partekatzeko”.

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  8. Bournemouth are preparing a £50,000-a-week deal to tempt Ghana’s 23-year-old forward Antoine Semenyo from Bristol City. If United do sign him then they are reportedly willing to loan him back to Bristol City so he can continue to gain first-team experience. The forward stated that everyone at the club has a very high ambition and stressed that he has signed a long term deal to help Bristol City progress to the Premier League where the club belong. Reading v Bristol City Picure: Steve Smyth Leicester City defender Filip Benkovic has completed his move to Bristol City. The Bristol-born ace has been instrumental in City’s rise to third place in the Championship table, scoring twice and providing two assists in 21 appearances. And don't forget to subscribe to our free Everton FC newsletter, our YouTube channel and listen to our Royal Blue Podcast, with all your favourite ECHO regulars including Joe Thomas, Chris Beesley, Connor O'Neill, Gavin Buckland and Paul Wheelock.
    Path to the Playoff: 7 teams still in the race MORE: Watch Georgia vs. Clemson live on fuboTV (7-day free trial) Georgia Tech Football vs. No. 4 ClemsonMonday, Sept. 5 · 8 p.m. ET · Atlanta, Ga. · Mercedes-Benz Stadium For a 9-1 team Clemson has had a turbulent season, full of injuries, tragedy and play that has not always met the standard, and not just at the quarterback position. The Louisville football team will shoot for its first win in eight tries against Clemson when they face the Tigers in Death Valley on Saturday. COLUMBIA, S.C. (WCBD) – It is one of South Carolina’s most anticipated rivalry games of the season – the Clemson Tigers will take on the South Carolina Gamecocks on Saturday, November 26 in Death Valley.

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  16. Stay up to date Removed from reading list The confirmed West Ham and Chelsea team news is in, with kick-off at London Stadium just under an hour away. Many West Ham fans have slammed the performance of Lukasz Fabianski in their 2-1 defeat at Manchester City on Sunday. David Moyes… Latest News: Armando Broja (ACL), Christian Pulisic (knee), Edouard Mendy (finger) and N’Golo Kante (hamstring) remain out but Denis Zakaria (thigh), Mateo Kovacic (calf) and Wesley Fofana (knee) could be involved after returns to training. Raheem Sterling (knock) had been rated a “significant doubt” for the West Ham game and missed out, so it remains to be seen if he’s any closer to a comeback here. Further updates to follow after the pre-match press conferences.
    His most prolific scoring year came in 2013 when he found the back of the net 69 times, but he also recorded 34 in 2007, 35 in 2008, 30 in 2009, 48 in 2010, 60 in 2011, 63 in 2012, 61 in 2014, 57 in 2015, 55 in 2016 and 53 in 2017. Wambach tops the list after an illustrious 14-year career with the USWNT. Her 184 goals will likely stay No. 1 for a long time. She’s also in second place for most international goals scored, behind Canada’s Christine Sinclair. A tour de force on the big stage, Wambach scored 14 times in World Cup tournaments and 24 times in the Olympics. Her final goal came during a 2015 friendly against Costa Rica. Former Manchester United star Ronaldo continued his remarkable scoring run at the World Cup with Portugal, but so has Messi, who scored two goals in the final en route to winning the tournament.

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